Youth Rugby at the Hong Kong Football Club is open to girls and boys, of both members and non-members.
It is organised by age group with Junior Youth from Under 4 to Under 12,
with dedicated Girls Rugby at Under 9/10, and Under 11/12.
After Junior Youth, the atheletes move on to Senior Youth, from Under 13 to Under 18, with dedicated Girls Rugby at Under 14, Under 16 and Under 18.
“It is not the winning but the spirit of fair play, enjoyment and safety that is paramount”.
This is the essence of Youth Rugby and the code by which it is played at Hong Kong Football Club. Hong Kong Football Club has a long history of involvement in the sport and many thousands of children and their families have benefited from the Club’s organised youth rugby activities. Over 1,000 players were registered with Hong Kong Football Club last season and youth are supported by parent volunteers who both coach the game, organise and administer the programme.
Training sessions are held every Sunday morning between September and May and teams also participate in festivals, leagues and tournaments throughout the season including the annual Hong Kong Sevens tournament, where they play against other clubs in a showcase of youth rugby. Club also organises annual overseas tours to participate in festivals and tournaments.
Chairman’s Update
With over 800 registered players last season, we are the largest youth rugby club in Hong Kong. This is something of which the HKFC is proud, but it also means we have a responsibility and duty to ensure that this continues, whilst also welcoming and helping other clubs evolve and grow the total number of youth rugby players in Hong Kong.
The key focus of our youth rugby programme is to provide an enjoyable, inclusive and safe environment for the boys and girls to develop a love of the game and team sport. Our training sessions are designed to be fun and engaging, as well as competitive, with children of all abilities welcomed and supported. It is always rewarding as a coach to see children of initially more limited confidence and ability, later grow into very capable players.
We must ensure all children are given the opportunity to flourish, and understand that it is not the winning but spirit of fair play, enjoyment and safety that is paramount. This is the approach we take to the festivals as well. We want to produce as many highly skilled, competitive and well-rounded youth rugby players as we can; win, lose or draw.
All of this, of course, would not be possible without the help of our many volunteers who give up their time to administer, manage and coach the game. Last season we had over 250 volunteer coaches out training our players every Sunday morning. This is a phenomenal number and along with our committee members, they are all applauded. As Chairman it remains a privilege to continue to work alongside them all.
As always we continue to need more support, so I encourage all parents to be involved with their children’s youth rugby experience. This can be through coaching, managing, refereeing, volunteering at tournaments or providing administrative support. Both you and your child will have an even more rewarding youth rugby experience as a result. So put the coffees and newspapers down and get some kit on!
The attached graphic sets our way which we help to inspire a Youth Rugby atheletes.
A final important word and very big thank you to all of our sponsors; Natixis, AIA, Bullish, CBRE, Latham & Watkins and Mourant, without whose support, HKFC Youth Rugby would not be the force it is today.
Denis Brock
Chairman – HKFC Youth Rugby