The play up / play down of Junior Youth players is governed by the Hong Kong Youth Rugby Football Union (HKMRFU).
The HKMRFU allows but does not actively encourage players to train or play outside their age group.
If you would like to apply for your child to play up or down out of their age group (i.e. age grade applicable to date of birth), please read the HKMRFU Play Up / Play Down (PUPD) Guidelines and complete Hong Kong China Rugby (HKCR) Player Dispensation Form for PUPD below.
Please then submit the completed Player Dispensation Form to the Head Coach of the age group to which your child is seeking to apply to move (i.e. age grade subject to request).
Once endorsed by the relevant Head Coaches and the HKFC Youth Rugby Chairperson, your application will be sent to the HKMRFU for their consideration and decision.
Their decision (which is final) will then be subsequently communicated to you via the Head Coach.
Please note that the HKMRFU retains the right to re-consider an approval during the course of the season.
Safety is paramount for all children playing youth rugby.
As a result concussion is taken very seriously, and as parents, head coaches, coaches, referees and volunteers we must all act with the utmost caution if we suspect any player has suffered a bad knock to the head and therefore a potential concussion.
Outlined below is the concussion policy of the HKRU ( Hong Kong Rugby Union ) which we adhere to.
Please take time to read and understand it. For more information, please click here.
It is important to recognise the symptoms of Concussion. All parents, players and coaches are encouraged to read the World Rugby Concussion Guidance in parallel with the above here.
If you have any questions please speak to your respective Head Coach or you can contact Lucy Clarke; HKRU Head of Player Welfare and Medical, directly at: [email protected].
Please also note at all Youth Rugby festivals first aid cover is provided by Lucy and her team at the HKRU.
So whether at a festival or during regular training sessions, if you suspect any player has suffered a bad knock to the head, please immediately inform the referee and/or head coach ( if he/she has not already noticed ) and the player will then receive due medical attention.
N-Pro Partnership
For the 2023-24 season, we have partnered with N-Pro, an Irish company:
- They produce the only headgear that reduces impact to the head by up to 75%.
- Has undergone extensive testing together with neuroscientists, players and bio-medical engineers.
- It is trial approved by World Rugby.
- Worn by school rugby, club and professional players:
- James Ryan, Ireland
- Darcy Graham, Scotland
- Adam Beard, Wales
- Sarah Bonar, Scotland
- Carys Phillips, Wales
You can pre-order N-Pro headgear using this link: https://www.wah-laah.com/products/n-pro-rugby-head-guard

HKFC Junior Youth Rugby does have a first aid team available on training days at the Club to help should our athletes receive injuries when training. They will be at the Club on training days and usually positioned in the blue seats under the Commentary Box or on Happy Valley 1. They will be noticeable wearing their first aid vests. Obviously they may not be there constantly; your Head Coach and Team Manager will be familiar with the personnel and will have contact numbers for those on duty that day.
It should be noted however, that these first aiders are not medical doctors but are there for soft tissue injuries and first aid only. HKFC Junior Youth Rugby follow the HKRU Community Injury Protocol, found here
- For urgent cases, you should seek treatment via a government hospital. The nearest Accident and Emergency to Hong Kong Football Club is Ruttonjee Hospital, 266 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
- Should the injury be non-urgent you should seek appropriate care as per your personal insurance cover e.g. government/private hospital or General Practioner
- Please note HKFC does not provide accident insurance cover for players, therefore parents of players are strongly recommended to take out their own insurance to provide optimum cover.
The Hong Kong Rugby Union (HKRU) does keep track of serious injuries and concussions, and following such an incident you would be encouraged to submit an Injury Report Form at https://www.hkrugby.com/forms/injury-report where the HKRU Medical Department will follow up with you.