In the event of bad weather, the following general arrangements will apply. Players should pay attention to any announcements from their respective Head Coaches and/or Team Managers on training arrangements due to local weather condition.
Respective HC shall share the training arrangments where appropriate.

Thunderstorm Warning
Training will be cancelled or stopped if there are any thunderstorms in the local area.

Amber Rain Warning
Training will continue.

Red Rain Warning
Senior Youth – Training will continue.
Junior Youth – Training will be cancelled.

Black Rain Warning
Training will be cancelled or stopped.

T1 or T3 Signal
Training will be continue.

Signal No 8
Training will be cancelled or stopped.
Hong Kong Football Club Youth Rugby Section is particularly concerned with the welfare of all its players and coaches, and has consequently devised this air pollution policy to ensure their safety. The section is aim to ensure no playing/coaching in conditions that could cause long term damage to health.
The Hong Kong Football Club Youth Rugby guidelines for each air quality level are as follows:
AQHI = 1 - 7 / AQI = 0 - 150
Training will carry on as normal for all players
AQHI = 8 - 9 / AQI = 150 - 200
Attendance at training is at the parent’s/coach’s discretion.
The sessions will still run, but there is no compulsion for players/coaches to attend if they are concerned about the potential health effects to them/their children. Should a parent decide not to send their child to training, when the air quality is within this band, it will have no bearing on the team or squad that your child is a part of.
AQHI = 10 - 10+ / AQI = 201+
Training will be cancelled for all players
* AQHI = Air Quality health Index
* AQI* = Air Quality Index
NB: Special consideration should be given to those children with heart, respiratory or chronic illnesses who should consider reducing their activity when level 7 AQHI or 101 AQI is reached. It is also importantthat parents ensure their children have appropriate medication with them at training, and they have informed their coaches, before commencing exercise.