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“Very well organized, very professional and found it to be a valuable development opportunity …”

In Hong Kong this Summer?  Sign up for our Camps now.

What are the aims of the Senior Youth Development Camps?

  • To develop your child’s individual skill base, game knowledge & understanding.
  • To expose more Senior Youth to a higher quality rugby environment.
  • To equip our Senior Youth with the on-pitch & off-pitch skills to excel in Rugby Union and in the future.

What will be the format?

  • Each camp will take place on the Monday-Friday of that week.
  • 2 x 1.5hr sessions per day (1 on-pitch skills, 1 off-pitch skills)
  • On-pitch skills topics will include catch, pass, offloading, contact & breakdown skills.
  • Off-pitch skills to cover Analysis, Nutrition, Physical Preparation & Elite Differentiators.
  • Guest speakers & coaches with international rugby backgrounds will be brought in to assist with the camp’s delivery.

Who can register? 

  • Boys & Girls from 12-18 years old (born in 2005-2012)
  • You can choose to register to more than one camp if desired.
  • Prior experience in playing rugby is encouraged, but not necessary

Date     :    CAMP 1  ||  July 2nd – July 5th

CAMP 2  || July 15th – July 19th

CAMP 3  ||  July 29th – August 2nd

Time    :    09:00 – 12:00

Venue  :  Hong Kong Football Club, 3 Sports Road, Happy Valley

Fee       :  HK$400 per day

For any further registration enquiries, please contact [email protected]